Unlocking Seamless Connectivity: My Mac, iPad, and Mouse Setup Hack

hi I’m Kelly and I draw things I just figured something out that I think would be helpful to a whole lot of people so I set my iPad set up on the left so I need an extra screen to look at some barcodes and then I have my computer and they’re not synced at all other than like being on the same apple accounts I own them and on my same Wi-Fi so I had my mouse and I was like going all over to the left if you just keep going it’ll pop over and you keep going more and now they’re linked I have to set it up I have to do anything if you come up to the top it’ll show you like Magic iPad* linked so I unlink it and then if I move it over to the other side it’ll do it on the other side too not to this set anything up yep there it is and then I can use the mouse I can scroll I can click and type it’s just like a whole another screen but it’s working on my apps for iPad it’s not like an extended desktop but you can also set that up uh but I was just so impressed cause it was so like it just did it I have to think and so um I will be a Mac for the rest of my life