Mastering Marketing: The Power of Promotion and Networking

alright so it’s lame wants help with your marketing so there’s only so much I can teach you guys on a 62nd video and that’s why I promote my university so much it’s because we talk on a weekly basis about this stuff marketing sales numbers what’s your next piece of equipment what’s your next tire there’s only so much I can give you but here’s my one tip for you it’s lame promote promote promote what does that mean that means see my face how you can see it right now as I’m responding to you I’m promoting myself I’m talking to the camera even though it’s uncomfortable I’ve done this for about a year now so I’m I’m trained I guess so to speak at it but uh that’s my one piece of advice constantly mention your business be on all platforms uh and and just promote your business go to networking events the more events you can go to with uh that have people’s name tags on their chest you’re in the right place as a business owner trust me on that