Discovering Manchester at Night: From Kampus to Blank Studio and Nell’s Pizza Adventures

come with me to explore different areas of Manchester at night first up is Kampus and if you’re looking for something fun and creative to do Blank Studio is the place to go students even get a 20% discount there are a range of colours to choose from I’ve decided to go with a lavender white and gold effect I want to do a marble design but I was not sure how it’s gonna come out I really really like it though and as you can see I’m just pouring from the front the back making sure that everything is coloured and here’s the final work this is the aftermath of everything and look it’s my work of art after that you’re probably gonna be a bit hungry so we went to Nell’s for pizza I had the Barbie and Ken and my friend had the Margarita and we both rated a 7 out of 10