Embracing the Journey: A Letter of Hope from Mel

oh it’s your friend Mel and I’m having a moment I’m walking on the track where I used to run the 440 relay in high school and holy cow 39 years boom gone it’s unbelievable how fast time passes and when I was in high school I was so stuck I I felt so small, town was so little I had all these big dreams I just had no idea how it was all gonna turn out I’m gonna tell you something your life is so much bigger and more beautiful than you know you are not limited in any way or form by what family you were born into or by where you live in the world you are capable of more than you know the most amazing people that you’re gonna meet in your life they are ahead of you all those dreams that you have you can achieve them you gotta just wake up everyday and just do a little bit better and one of these days you’re gonna wake up like I have and you’re gonna be astonished by everything that you’ve achieved all I want you to do right now is trust trust that where you are it is leading you exactly where you’re meant to go that someday in the future it’s all gonna make sense and right now that’s all you need to do is to wake up and believe that the future is big and beautiful and bright and I promise you it will be