Title: Exciting Day: Bringing Naomi Home to Meet Her New Baby Sister

come get ready with me to pick up Naomi from camp I am so excited Naomi hasn’t met Messody yet so we are going to be bringing her with us and she will meet her for the first time okay let’s go get her hopefully she stays asleep thankfully it was a successful transfer into the car seat and then into the car we are so excited to pick up our big girl I want to surprise her but when we drove up she was waiting there for us ah you wanna meet your sister hi daddy this was definitely emotional for all of us Messody is three weeks old and this is Naomi’s first time meeting her because she’s been asleep for camp for the last four weeks Naomi love camp but I know a piece of her was also sad that she missed out on all of the excitement surrounding Messody’s birth what do you think very cute guys Naomi’s home I have lipstick on aww so give her a lipstick kiss Missed you setting up the Shabbos table Dassy who is that Nomie can you give her hugs