Moving On: Documenting the Journey Through a Two-Year Relationship Ending

my two year relationship has ended um I’m such a mess but one time I saw a girl that had gone through a really bad breakup with like you know a really serious relationship and she documented it and it was just such a beautiful process to watch watch her get better watch her get happier watch like the normal stages of mourning and I thought maybe I do that because it keeps me busy um and hopefully it will help me and maybe someone else watching this too so um stay tuned um we broke up yeah well yeah it was two years um he’s the person I thought I’d marry um I think we both thought that but you know good things come to an end and he’s not a bad person by any means um and it was a very healthy breakup but you know those still suck they really suck and I’ve just moved into my own place um which is crazy timing and I’ve just started my dream job which is really crazy timing so it’s kind of the worst timing ever guess it’s gonna be a lot of new scary things but I can do it I can do it with a broken heart