Movie Theater Snack Haul: Popcorn, Candy, and Kit Kats Galore!

I’m at the movie theater, and I’m gonna show you what snacks I get. Popcorn. Some popcorn. Do you want some? Uh, no. Do you want some? I’m gonna do. Sometimes I like cookie dough bites. Today I’m feeling airhead extremes. Gummy bears. And I like some chocolate, too. No Hershey bar. I like Kit Kats. I think I just heard a little mosquito say Kit Kat. I’ll get them. Please get Matthew some Kit Kats. Maybe I should get some more for Matthew the nerd. Yeah. Oh, or should I get the sweet tarts? Both. It’s gonna be $600. Are you gonna eat some? Uh, I’ll have one or two. Do you want anything? Haha. And then I’m gonna get a diet coke. Haha. Oh, I can’t get peanut M m’s, and I’m allergic to peanuts, and I hate the smell. And thank you for watching. I’m gonna go get a diet coke. Haha. Is that Ryan Reynolds?