Neighborly Homesteading: A Day of Prep, Experimentation, and Delicious Creations

Hey, neighbor. So today is a prep day. Um, I have my list. I’m just gonna show you what this typically looks like for me. I’m give you a snippet. And so we have to seed save our squash because we are putting more squash out for the fall. We have to make our cashew milk because we need cashew milk for the house. And we’re gonna try a cashew custard ice cream. If that’s successful, I’m gonna share it, that recipe. Um, I also, uh. We had to go through our seeds to see what was being planted, uh, for the fall garden, and to pull out stuff. I’m going to be, um, saving my pepper plants in another pot, so that had to be put off to the side. Also, we have a pot of chicken stock because we did a whole chicken last night. All the bones, innards, neck, heart, kidneys, all of that is on with celery, onion, garlic for chicken broth. We’re going to bottle our hot sauce. Our woozy bottles came in. They’ve been washed and sterilized. I think that’s about it. Could be more. I’m just gonna show you. We’re just gonna go through it and quickly get it done. Okay. Our seed saving, very simple. Uh, the bigger squash that was not edible, we’re going to take the seeds out of that. Very simple. And because these seeds are bigger, sometimes you can just pull them out if you want to. You Can use your spoon and scrape all your filling out all your seeds. And I’m just going to separate those seeds and rinse them down, put them on a piece of Parchment to dry. Some will be stored and some are going right back outside into the garden. Quick, easy, simple seed storage. Nice and clean. So now we’re just going to dry the ones that are drying, store them in an airtight container. We’re good to go for squash next year. Alright, so now we’re gonna start the cashew milk. It’s been soaking for 24 hours. I’m going to pour this off, put the fresh water in and start our cashew milk. Y’all, it is with great sadness in the middle of this video. We’re gonna go out here to the woods and lay to rest. She was so near and dear to my heart. And I went to make the cashew milk and she said no more. We’re gonna bury her. Uh, we will. We will accept your prayers and condolences for our loss. She was so good to me. She was so good to me. I am still devastated over Ozzy’s loss. But as you know, one like it don’t stop show. And I got milks and stuff to make, so I gotta help my new blender. Um, and since, uh, Vitamix still hasn’t hit your girl up, we went with something that I can afford. And so we never go get back to making our cashew Milk. Um, this is two cups. So this, uh, two cups of cashews is going to make us a gallon of milk. And so I’m gonna get that processed and then we’re gonna start on our cashew custard for ice cream. Okay, cashew milk is done. Start to listen to my book again and do a sprinkling of salt. Um, I also prepped two eggs, a half a cup of brown sugar packed. I’ll stir that up. I’m gonna do two cups of our cashew milk to see what the custard looks like. Um, let’s see. Teaspoon of vanilla for our milk and a couple of tablespoons of sugar for our milk. Don’t act like that. Y’all know I like it sweet. So we’re gonna whisk this, make sure our sugar and salt is dissolved, and that goes into the jug. Our custard we’re going to do on a double boiler. Once I get that done, I’ll show you how thick it looks. Cause I gotta get that done and get it in the refrigerator to cool before it goes into the ice cream machine to see what we’ve created. Alright, be right back. So I know I said Prep Day, but it’s more like experimentation Day. Um, while this cashew custard is on the double boiler, and chicken broth, uh, developing back there, I’m going to. I tell you, I was gonna bottle the hot sauce. Now, if you followed along with the fermentation hot sauce and you made Your hot sauce. You may notice that your hot sauce will separate. You get your pepper, mash what’s left, and then all your liquid. Now you can clearly shake it up, and you’re just fine every time. But because I’m going to bottle this, I want to add an emulsifier. And to keep it together, um, I’m going to be using xanthan gum. Less is more with xanthum gum. Um, so for all of this, I’ll probably only use an eighth of a teaspoon, uh, point two, five grams. To get this where it’s still liquidy and able to pour. But it doesn’t separate like that. That your xanthan gum is an emulsifier. And while I was doing that, I was thinking, why don’t I add some to my cashew milk? Cause that’s one of the things that we often face with our cashew milk, is that it separates. Right? So that’s an experiment. Added a little bit to there, and it’s been sitting out and it has yet to separate. So that may be a go to now. For keeping our nut mixes uns separated. Um, also cause, you know, we don’t waste. So I have my, um, pulp left from my cashew, um, and, you know, we’ve done the cashew cheese, we use it for, like, our granola as an additive. I think I want to see if I can make some cashew hummus. So I’m going to take that pulp, I’m going to roast it a little Bit, get some color on it. I’m going to add tahini and garlic and see if I can do a cashew hummus. And I get back with you on that too. So, uh, right now we have our chicken stock going, our cashew custard going. We’re about to do the hot sauce to get that in bottles. Um, and we’ve done our cashew milk. Now, if time allows, I’m also going to try to start a batch of English muffins. Or I might just wait to do that, cause it’s a lot going on already. Once I get all this together, then I come back and show you where the progress I’ve made. You can see our texture changed up just a little bit. So we’re gonna be able to sprinkle that one. Get my caps and just push that one. Voila! Our hot sauce is ready to go. Okay, we’re finishing up strong. The broth has been simmering for about eight hours, and we’re gonna pour that off. I have my funnel, my strainer for all the vegetables and chicken, so that we just get broth down in here. And of course, you know, the scraps, puppy pate. Alright, last thing for the day. And this is strictly an experiment. Um, so I put my cashews in and toasted them and I’m putting that in. I have, um, onion powder, garlic. For the salt, I’m going to use celery salt. I have my tahini, which is just, um, like. Sesame seed, peanut butter. Um, they separate when you store them. I normally, in hummus, will use lemon juice, but I want something a little more tangy, so I have fermented lemons. Um, these are in vinegar. I’m gonna use some of the liquid off of that to thin this out. Strictly an experiment. Alright, let’s see what we got. Yep, that’ll do it. Our cashew hummus. I’m gonna put the whole thing in my mouth. Oh, yes. No, I’m gonna share this recipe. Yeah, cause we did that cashew hummus. Now we’re really done. Okay, so I’m gonna clean up and I’m gonna talk to you.