Understanding Auto Balance Conversion and Financial Discipline: A Comprehensive Guide

OK, I’ve noticed it recently. More and more people. Be aware of this auto balance conversion key. Maybe it’s because I talk a lot about balance conversion in my video. After that, he became aware of what this thing was. This thing is on by itself, okay? This is an auto balance conversion. Actually, all banks have signed up. This information… Don’t ask me where to read it. It should be on the bank’s website. So if you take the bank, Go to my bank website. if you use a threshold Please go to the Threshold website, is that okay? All banks have signed up. The information is the same, okay? It means if you get an ABC. I already know these 2 things are really you 1. Salary below 5,000 per 6 keys eh sorry per perman another 5,001 is Payment has not been received for 12 months. not more than 10% of outstanding This means that you have to pay a small amount. to the end of the natural world. During the 12 months, I will pay a small amount. It’s okay to receive the goods. The biggest issue I noticed was You don’t even realize you’re doing something wrong. That’s the most. Because of the way you talk. I can tell you the level of understanding. And that is one thing you guys have to understand. Do you have a question? It’s really enough to describe who you are. Because… I have always paid, is that okay? Okay, okay. But the fact that you have ABC I know you guys are not okay. So when do you say OK? Then the next sentence. I always pay a little more than my minimum. Who said to pay a little more than the minimum? Who doesn’t know, please. You should pay in full. The latest balance statement statement by editing. That’s his rule to enjoy zero interest. If you can’t pay a hundred percent, Balance segment full key segment full key pay ninety nine percent Ninety percent. eighty percent Because you are targeting the minimum payment amount. The minimum payment is 5 percent of outstanding. Where are 95 percent of you? You understand, I didn’t read this statement. The minimum payment is five percent. Another ninety and five percent. Do you understand? The question is here. Don’t notice, you pay well. Where did ninety five percent go? Now I want to ask. Where does 95 percent of this go? If you pay a little more, it is not. a little over eight percent at the minimum You should never benchmark with minimum payment. I want to pay the benchmark, which is the full balance statement. This is the minimum payment if you watch the video. I explain to you. manage your cash flow if you are fired. Or are you in a situation where you I’m trying my best to reserve anything. The cash that you have. Ouch, baby, throw away the clothes. Ha ha, I understand. So don’t benchmark with minimum payment, please. So who doesn’t understand? Please read it, sorry. Please look at my playlist. playlist eh you go main page I I have made a statement balance playlist. Please finish that thing. Because most people ask this question. You don’t even understand how to read that statement. Key so your amount. Please look back. It’s not the minimum payment. You are not aiming for the minimum payment. You’re aiming for a balance statement statement. The full balance statement statement. that is the amount you should aim for. OK, not the minimum. not a little more at the minimum Because of the fact that you have ABC. You have it. It means you guys are in total. Pay less than ten percent. that is how bad How do you pay? Pay on time, it’s okay. but that little bit. Another 90 percent. Where to go if you don’t pay another 90 percent? When will I pay? key and then the next question is always asked. Good. key That’s good, because if you don’t do anything, You don’t know what to do. The bank always charges eighteen percent per 6. He has already given you 13 percent. The bank has automatically discounted the price for you. The bank has already discounted the defense. Did you notice? Don’t understand, don’t go out either. Something went off. Don’t turn it off. unless it’s okay, maybe if you just wake up. Oh, okay, why didn’t I make a balance transfer? Only five percent. then you want to do it okay I understand It means you have a plan. But if you defend again. .. Don’t go off. Because even if you go out, you don’t know what to do. If you want to turn it off, it means you have a plan. Do you understand? You know what to do. or suddenly aa RHB call aa What can I do? aa cash access aa 1,000 percent of the sample aa he gave you to arrive The promotion has arrived. You want to take it? I want to settle, that’s okay. Because you know you have a better option. But if you are still defending, you have no choice. Even the credit card is a mess. eh, just let it turn off, let the bank help you. I have reached the bank level, please help me. The bank key is automatic and the name is also automatic. I noticed that his name was not on it. auto balance conversion But you know too. if you do manual balance conversion That’s because his rate is only nine percent. This auto is 13 percent. and the bank will help you turn off in auto. Why is the auto off? because he wants to avoid debt. Can’t you see more? He really helped me. But you don’t understand and don’t realize it yet. It has arrived. OK, so be a little bit. Understand this thing. Conversion balance key balance key. balance transfer quick cash zero percent EPP ipp Make sure you know this. If using a credit card. You must know these features. I don’t want to see people anymore. Oh, we have to be disciplined. Be disciplined, please throw it in the trash. There is no function if you are disciplined. It is said to pay 500, for example, discipline. But if there is a problem, you don’t know what to do. What is the function of discipline? If you have no problem solving skills, Just wear it, you know. But if there is a problem. .. I don’t know how to solve it. The biggest problem is that people have this mindset. Or is he a sarcastic person? problem he said I don’t understand why I have to go shopping. beyond diamond That’s why I can’t pay. It’s okay, you don’t have it anymore. Your mother broke her leg. Suddenly I had to go to a private hospital. You don’t have it anymore, that’s why you don’t understand. the problem is Do you think you noticed? Are you safe with discipline? It’s not safe, I’ll let you know during the day. have no knowledge. Because there are credit card features. Have you noticed that you are disciplined? Can you handle credit cards? No, I can tell you A friend. You can’t handle credit cards either. Because the sky is not always clear. The moment you fell into a hole. You can’t solve the problem. Why is there such a science? It’s simple, I don’t have enough knowledge. When there is a problem, I don’t know what to do. Discipline can’t help you. I want to let you know during the day. Discipline can’t help you. If you have a problem. key