Car Troubles and Solutions: A Conversation at the Gas Station

Hello. How’s it going? Hey, uh, how are you doing? Good. It’s good to meet you. What happened? Okay, so we were drive. He was driving it and we heard like a. Like a weird thing and then like it sound like something metal fell. You know when you’re a kid and you put like one of those cards in the back tire? Oh yeah, yeah, it sounds like that but a lot louder. I don’t know what I think might happen is because like. Sorry. Oh, you’re all good. What she’s trying to start saying with. I think what’s happening is I hit something and it bounced up and it. I’m sure the oil filter. Okay, I’ve felt around the oil filter like a little. Like a gas like going like upwards into. Oh, and the oil filter itself. Yeah, but like it still has pressure we were able to slowly make it off the highway to the gas station. Yeah, I don’t know if it’s a head gasket. Like 10 miles an hour going like a mile up off to get off the highway. So I don’t know if I fucked up anything else. And then. Yeah, oil in it all ran back out. Alright, let me Jack it up real quick and take a look at it. The oil was up like it didn’t look watery or anything. Oh my god. Okay, so I did an Odyssey and a Dodge Caravan not too long ago and I bought some extra filters. We have this one and I’ve got another one somewhere, so I’m thinking that that one’s gonna fit. Is it 5:20 or 5:30? I think it’s 5:20, I can’t remember. Okay, so before I waste my oil, let’s go ahead and make sure that this motor is in fact, not locked up. So the, um. The motor is not locked up, which is good. Oh, I feel that hole. Yeah, it’s right on the. That’s weird. I’m just gonna try to throw a filter on. I did have a filter. I’m not sure if it’ll fit. I hope it will. OK, but I do have a filter and I’ve got some oil. Let’s see if I was right about that. Yep, it’s 5:30. Cool. Yeah. Alright, cool. Let’s just hope. Three cars I’ve had, like in the past, not recently, so they threw a rod. Oh yeah. One of them, Jeremy, hardly ever. There’s that hole I sent. Yeah, he said oil dripped in his mouth. Haha. That’s how he found it. Haha. What the fuck? Yeah, just down here looking around. Yeah, it’s awesome. I was like, I don’t know what it is. I mean, it is wide open right here. I mean, the oil filter is extremely open, just right there hanging off of the bottom. So, I mean, honestly, it would be easy to do. Do you got the key on you? I thought that’s what he was going to get down. Oh, and he never came back. I know haha. Alright, man, we got a new filter and new oil in there, so it’s freaking. Cross some fingers, bro. Let it lube itself up, see if it sounds better. Alright, I’m gonna go ahead and kill it. So here’s the deal. We damaged some, we damaged some, we damaged some lifters in that and that scenario. So it either got a lifter issue or a roller issue. I put. So when did y’all get this in? I put this in. In what, six months ago? Seven months ago, ash. Cause I knew. I put new spark plugs, I put new coils. I mean, I put new spark plugs, I put new wires on it. That was the. That was a used coil pack. Uh, put a new air filter on it and a new timing belt. And the timing belt kit. So I didn’t do anything internal on the engine, but there’s definitely an issue in it. Do you know anybody that’s selling a car that I can look? I can absolutely look. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I can look. Are you wanting like a car? Like a van car? Yeah, we could probably work something out with trying to get you all a different vehicle. Cause it does suck for like Annabelle’s sake and so. Yeah. Oh yeah, no, everybody needs help every now and again. That’s for sure. Dude, I need help. I just made a post about trying to Hire somebody oh, for the work with them. Yeah. Haha, you’re welcome. Yeah, it is sick. It’s a clean vehicle. Take it easy, guys.