A Proposal for a Strategic Family Alliance: Join me in Forming a Competitive Group Plan to Share Expenses and Enjoy Shared Dinners Together

Does anybody want to start a family with me and other people? Too? Strategic family. Don’t get in your head about it. It’s just to be able to compete with other groups of people. I have my clear renewal coming up. I have my phone bills, like $160 a month. I can’t do it. I’m out here by myself, like, trying to compete with families and groups of people. I need a subscription alliance. Spotify, Fubo. I can’t do it anymore. I need to be on a group plan. I need to start a family. But again, just strategic. Maybe we could go out to dinner every once in a while as a family. Or maybe, uh, dinner at home. I don’t know. I just need to start a family.