Wukong vs. the Aztec Pantheon: A Humorous Yet Insightful Comparison of Strength and Power

Someone asked me how Wukong would fare against the Aztec pantheon and I literally laughed because if Wukong tried to square up with the Aztec pantheon, he’s getting folded so easy. You’re just glazing the Aztec pantheon. No, you’re glazing Wukong. He’s not as strong as you think he is. For starters, he’s not even a god. But Wukong fought celestial gods. No boo boo, he fought gods with little G’s. When he tried to fight gods with the big G like Buddha, Red Boy, the Bull Demon King, and Nerlang Shen, he got folded. And I’m not even saying Wukong versus the entire Aztec pantheon. There’s at least 12 gods off the top of my head that I know could beat Wukong in a one on one fight and do it pretty easy. Mictlantecuhtli and mictlacazahuatl could easily trick dumb old Wukong into going into the underworld of Mictlan, where nobody has magical powers except for the gods of the dead, meaning all his magical immortality weapons mean nothing there. Then there’s gods like that’s got the poke! Gets out watch out your tiny and tall who are so strong that with little effort they were able to destroy the world. And that’s not even getting into the fact that that’s Katipoca and his family are all brutally mean and violent. They can see the future, they have weapons that instantly kill creatures who are immortal. And that’s Katipoca can shape shift, and he’s a damn better shape shifter. Than Wukong ever could be. Then there’s Huitzilopochtli, the god of war, who. He also killed celestial gods. But guess what? He did it the day he was born. He was a baby goo goo gaga. There go the celestial gods. Then, of course, there’s itzpapalotl, the obsidian butterfly, and her army of huitzilopochtli skeleton space demons who can literally eat the immortality off someone. If all that wasn’t enough, which it definitely is, the Aztec had this Huichol, comet snakes. They are giant war hammers that summon dragons that kill immortal beings. Wukong is not a threat in his own pantheon. And you think he’s gonna try to square up with other pantheons? No, he’s not Kratos. Okay, Wukong goes against the Celtic, the Slavic, the Hindu. He’s getting wrecked. Let alone against the greatest warrior god pantheon. On the Aztec. No, Wukong ain’t shit. Have a magical day, everyone.