Update: Discontinuing Quiz Stickers on Instagram due to Technical Glitches

Hey everybody, I’m getting on here to let you guys know that today was the last day that we’re doing the quizzes. As it is right now, when I try to post the quizzes, they don’t get posted. When I schedule them, they come up at times they’re not supposed to, sometimes they never get posted. And then when they do get posted, the algorithm is rarely allowing people to actually select options on them currently. They were fun while they lasted, but they’re just too glitchy to try and keep doing. Not only that, but when I try to repost them on other platforms, they’re pretty useless there as well. I personally love the interaction that they created, I know a lot of people liked the daily learning value that they had. Moving forward, I continue to look for something that has this type of effect cause I wanna continue doing this type of thing. But we won’t be using the quiz stickers on Instagram anymore. They’re just too faulty. Sorry guys.