The Great Niece of Fabuloso: Upgrading to Liz and Keeping it in the Family

Listen to me. I am at the point in my life where I’m not even getting Mr. Clean’s extended cousin, Fabuloso, okay? I’m getting Liz. Totally awesome. She’s totally awesome. This is the great niece of the uncle, okay? We have moved on in life to get the great niece of the uncle, okay? This is what we’re doing, okay? No more fabuloso. This is it. I’ve upgraded, alright? She comes from. I don’t know. I don’t know where she comes from, but she’s lavender, okay? Totally awesome, all right? She lives by what she says, okay? This is the great niece or the great aunt of Fabuloso, okay? Keep it in the family. Keep it in the family, people. Come on, come on. This is what we’re working with. These are the things that you have to work with. I’m not paying $8 for him. You think I’m gonna pay $8 for him? You’re out of your mind. You’re out of your mind. I’m using the family members. Keep it in the family, all right? That’s how it’s done. That’s how it works, all right? Can’t clean your floor for a nice price anymore, I’m done with it.