Unlocking the Wealth of a Million Followers: Monetization Strategies for Content Creators

So how much money does a million followers actually get you? I have a million and a half. Ooh, this is gonna be juicy. Interesting. Followers across platforms, and the last year, my content has made me nearly £1 million. A lot of you. Now, I know Chris, and I’ve spoken to him before. Super, super nice guy, and I’m really happy for his success. But let’s see what he says. I’ve asked how posting online actually generates money, so I thought I’d break it down. I’m Chris, a multi million pound entrepreneur just trying to help you grow in the creator economy. So let me show you how it’s done. I don’t sell anything, so this is just for you for now. For you, there are five levels to monetize your content. Level 0. Not monetizing. You’re starting to gain traction. You can’t monetize anything yet. You’re probably getting below an average of 5,000 views per video. I would say to you, keep grinding, you will get there. Um, not necessarily. In my opinion, you can actually start getting monetized straight away. Just because you’re not getting 5,000 views doesn’t mean anything. You can create a product or a service and actually start focusing your content that you’re making around that subject and make money. So why not? Level one is add revenue or creator funds. This is, although a very small amount, some of the first and easiest revenue your content’s gonna start pulling in. TikTok is actually an Awesome place to start, and I’ll be consistently bringing in about £10,000 per month just for the creator program. YouTube is next, but there’s also Facebook, Snapchat, and other platforms also pay creators. Yep. YouTube and TikTok are by far the best players in the game when it comes to paying their creators a fair share. That’s why people take them so seriously. And yes, he’s absolutely right. No.2 is affiliate links. These are links to products that you put into your content that directs people towards a product and if they buy, you can get a small cut. TikTok shop is obviously all the hype right now, but these links and this way of making money is. Yep, couldn’t agree more. Just make sure that whoever you’re affiliated with, you actually do the research beforehand. The last thing you wanna do is be a part of a some sort of scummy company like finance influencers were back with FTX in 2022. Has existed. Level 3 is sponsorships. This is when companies will actually pay you to create content for them, which you post on your own channels or you create content to sit on their channels. I would say pick these wisely because you can risk your brand, your authenticity. And make sure you check those contracts because companies can take advantage of you. If you can get this right, however, the right brand for your audience, you can make a significant amount of money here without too Much effort for me personally. I have two or three brands I work with all year round to create content for, and I make a really healthy amount of money from this. Sponsorships. Now, yes, sponsorships can be lucrative, but they also can be a very big headache. With quite a bit of effort, you’re always gonna have to discuss in terms of who has the creative control, what you’re gonna say, what you can’t say. Also, the amount of edits that some brands will want is just ridiculous. So yes, it’s good, but it’s not as easy as people make it out to be. Level 4, this is sort of the real entrepreneurial stuff, in my opinion, is sort of selling a service that you are yourself, the person that delivers it. This is where your content acts. Is sort of top of funnel to the real business. So you get leads and warm leads that will come through and purchase your service. This might be consulting calls or supporting companies of social media, writing, digital marketing or whatever. So yeah, and this is exactly why you should start with it in the very beginning. This is something that can turn into a 6, 7 figure business if you’re doing it quite well. And just imagine you’re not doing it at the very beginning. You end up getting a viral video with literally no call to action whatsoever. You could be losing on thousands of pounds. Level 5 is Your own products. And that might sound like the same thing, but the difference is, the product might be a manufactured good or. Or digital good. So once created, can be sold indefinitely, and with the right content strategy, without any extra work from you. So I know lots of people who run incredible courses and give away digital assets, and that just makes money while they’re sleeping. Yep. So physical products like prime drinks, Feastables. And happy that this is the big boy league, the big boy stuff that can literally change your life forever. But you have to put in a lot of time, A lot of effort, and invest a lot of money up front as well. So something to look forward to, potentially, if you continue in your social media journey for the next few years.