Title: One Cursed Rose: A Dark and Intriguing Beauty and the Beast Retelling by Rebecca Zanetti

Hey there, I’m Rebecca Zanetti and I am looking for some book tokers to review and talk about my newest book just called one Cursed Rose. It’s a dark retelling of beauty and the Beast set within the high stakes world of social media with Mafia elements. I’ve written about 80 books. I am both indie published and traditionally published, so I’m hybrid. But I’m new to TikTok. So with this book. Um, my existing fan base has liked it, but it said it’s a little darker than usual. And then the dark romance reviewers have liked it, but said have said that it’s a little light for dark romance. So it does have some trigger warnings. Um, definitely a morally grey hero with a I’ll burn the world down type of attitude. Um, as you can tell, I have a nice stack of author copies behind me, so I would love to send them off to be read and reviewed. Um, if you like it, great. If you don’t, tell people, why? Obviously I don’t want you to put your contact information in the comments on TikTok. So if you go up to my LinkedIn, it’ll take you to a Google form and tell me where I could send the book. Um, afterwards I lose the Google form, throw it away. So I won’t keep your address. But if you have a chance to read one Chris Rose and review it or do a skit or whatever you wanna Do let me know. Thanks.