Viral Encounter: The Misunderstood Traffic Light Incident

klipp from me went viral and some cocksackers also posted this on Twitter and wanted to submit to Me again, that I somehow wanted to drop the final bomb there. the situation was as follows, oh I was at the traffic light and the traffic light has turned red and in front of me is one drove over red. that was From Holland with n so Dutch license plate and I was in a rage and wanted to say you shit huh. so I stopped and people thought I want there For what nem reason also always drop the final bomb. I have no interest in dropping the final bomb. the times where I may have done this again lie somehow 7 years in the meantime, 6 years back, maybe 5 years what I know. I actually wanted the word hm hm hm Dutch. but even in this day and age you would be in combination with each origin, if you then ne shit ahead From anger uh you would be canceled for. and that’s why I said shit huh. but actually I only wanted the word Dutch because the Dutchman before Me drove into the red light and people have there directly again uh Me nen Want to draw a line from me and wanted to know me again. so really so ridiculous.