DIY Dollar Tree Halloween Skull Candy Bowl Decoration Tutorial

We’re back with another Dollar Tree Halloween craft decoration. So I seen this bowl. It’s a candy bowl, and it’s $56 for this dang thing. I seen another creator do this, and I’m gonna put my own little spin on it. So let’s go. This one is only two bucks, so, yes. Get you a big bowl at the Dollar Tree, and then you’re gonna get these little skulls, too. Go ahead and start cutting these in half. Just, like, stabbed my, um, Scissors in there. And then once you get going, it’s not hard at all. And then you’re gonna cut it long ways, and. And can you see where we’re going? Here is the skull all together. And you can see this little line right here? That’s just what I followed. So it gives you a good little outline all cut up. And now we’re just gonna glue them all around our bowl. Okay, here it is. And you could totally leave it like this, but I’m gonna spray paint it. I ended up spray painting it like this gold color that I had, and I just. I didn’t spray any of those. And so there’s our candy bowl. Isn’t it cute? Yeah.