The Arrest in Paris: American’s Revenge on Pickpocketer Leads to Unlawful Detainment

an American was arrested in Paris today after he got revenge on a pickpocketer the American had his bag stolen from him but he was working with a team of other Americans who watched the pickpocketer move away and then they went and captured him and handcuffed him to a nearby light pole they took back their stolen backpack and then reached into his pockets and got some money back to compensate them for their time and for them doing law and order when the French police won’t but apparently the French police make a commission off these pickpocketers and since the pickpocketer didn’t make any money on this deal the French police didn’t make any money on this deal and they didn’t take very kindly to that so the pickpocketer yelled over to the police while he was handcuffed to this light pole and said Yo I tried to steal a backpack from that guy in fact I actually did but then he handcuffed me here and now I’m unlawfully detained and he took his backpack back and he took $30 out of my pocket and I was gonna give you some of that money but now I can’t because he took it so can you do something and they were like wee wee and they did and they arrested the American so that guy’s now sitting in French jail right now