Title: Online Gaming Chronicles: Dominating with the Bills and Mastering Defense

And go live. Just try to get ready for mad in 25. So playing somebody online, they decided to pick their Rams. You know, bills is the best team on this game.

I get Josh Allen missing that pass, but it’s cool because Jiaxiang is a beast. So, you know, we’re gonna come back with it. So in the next play, we drop him back, we roll out, look at that die he throws across the middle. Yeah, I mean, that’s what we do online. Even though y’all want this smoke online.

And then we, you know, we run a ball too, a little bit. I mean, we thought we, I mean, we hand the ball off, be dimensional. We’re not two, we’re two dimensional. So step back, hit him with a little screen. Yeah, I mean, we gotta switch it up. Can’t just be doing the same, please.

So sometimes I forget to play, gotta show the play art, but it’s cool. Yeah, I mean, we gonna make it work. And sometimes you gotta go with the check down baby. So next play, we are dropping back, launched it and somehow he picks his ball out. I don’t know how he stayed in, but it’s cool, you know, child lacking on defense and we kind of struggled at first.

Look at this bad run. Look at that bad run. Defense about me. It’s time for us to lock in and hopefully defense is better on the next game. Just look at that.

So wide open again, could be cut and he just jumps back. Easy testing for him, but it’s cool. Never concern myself. I just go down and score cuz I know I got Josh out of baby, you know, we got Josh.

So, you know, we gonna come back with it first, you know, take a little check down if there’s open. I’m throwing it every time, maybe every single time. So it’s cool. You know, again, switch it up a little bit. Run the ball, get some positive yards as you’re going forward and then we, you know, you know, we go on, go down the field.

Look at that juke, baby. See, we take an ankles out here. Look at the echo breaker. That’s what we do. That is what we do. Let’s go, baby. Let’s go. Josh, step back.

I don’t know how he did get that pick. We got lucky right there. But I angle complain. First down. Let’s keep the chase moving.

Long as we, long, listen, long as we moving forward, then, you know, we got it. Switch it up. Look at Josh, all that real estate. Yeah, yeah, flexing on Josh. That’s what we do.

So, you know, we get an array zone, we sell them for three. We’re not gonna settle, baby. Look at this dot. Look at that freaking dot. That’s why Josh is the goat for army. Like we go for it and then defense. Gotta lock in. And baby, look at that defense.

I don’t know what he was doing there. He shall throw me the game. I don’t know how he didn’t score, but it’s cool cuz you know the next play we gonna score cuz we got Jiaxiang, they gotta fall forward, get across the pilot. Bye. That’s what we do, baby.

That’s what we do. So I kind of locked onto what he was doing. So I was able to adjust quickly. So the defense kind of was able to keep up and stay on track and not really give up too many other opportunities for him to do anything really. So he try to make adjustments and all that.

And you know, we give it this run. But my team is built on Ben. Don’t break. You feel me? So yeah, I mean, he completed that pass, short pass. I’m cool with that. No more bombs like the other one. He had to Cooper cup down the field.

So that’s what I’m playing for. You can head underneath the. So again, we lurk him right here. Nice pick. I said we’re not giving a none over time.

You see, you could have underneath stuff again, we got the board. Josh though, he thought, I thought we use passive. Look at the spin. Look at the stick work, y’all. No ditty. Look at that stick work. That’s what we do. Hit on the last.

So has you spin to me. Drop back with the goat. Look at that pass. We don’t want dogs, man. That’s what we do. That’s how we do. He try to make adjustments. See what he gonna do to stop me.

Not too much. Cuz we got Jiaxiao and baby. And again, we’re in the rezzo. We’re gonna score. We’re not taking three. You’re not taking three. Get the easy touchdown right here. I see.

I’m like, all right, I know. We get one more stop. This dude is out of here. Look at that. The defense. We don’t code on, baby. The all take for me is one or two jobs to see how you play and then you get on clink, clink, lock down defense.

He said, look at all the audios said, I don’t know what I’m gonna do. And I do some, I’m just gonna throw a glitch bomb. But we own it. We own, no, sir, not me. And then you know, you know what time it is. You see the low screen time for him to get off my field.