The Best Time to Sell Your House: Waiting Until After Back to School Hump

If you are planning on selling your house, like right now, it is August 27th currently, I would be waiting at least two weeks before putting your property up on the market. At the moment, um, we are in probably two of our slowest weeks in real estate out of the entire year. The very last week of summer and then the very first week of September, which is back to school tends to be an extremely slow time. I find that properties that go up on the market during this time do not get the exposure that they need right off the hot because people simply aren’t looking at houses right now. A lot of people are enjoying the last little bit of summer, the last week, the summer holidays with the kids, all that kind of stuff. A lot of people take their summer holidays the last two weeks of August and then the first week back to school is just chaotic and extremely busy for people. And we just tend to see like nobody is doing anything these 2 weeks. Um, so sellers, I personally recommend waiting until after the back to school hump. But buyers, if you are a serious buyer, now is the time to be out.