Invest in Your Future: Stop Giving Away Your Income Foolishly

Alright, look, here’s the deal. Your number one wealth building tool is your income. All of the millionaires that we interview, unless they inherited the money, which is very, very few of them, less than 10% of them inherited the money, did it by saving and investing their income. They did not give their income to Sally May. They did not give their income to Best Buy. They don’t get screwed around and give their income to Lexus and Toyota and Ford and General Motors and American distress and Master Card. Who named that anyway? It’s a mathematical thing. When you give your income to someone else, you don’t have it anymore. Oh, is this hard? This is hard, isn’t it? And when you give your income away, you have given up your economic future. All for crap. For a stinking flat screen for sign and listen. Let me just tell you. Here’s the deal. You know of the number of people who start college, how many graduate? 52%. That’s an investment in my future. Said the other 48% that are sitting at home with no freaking degree. But by god, they got the student loan debt. And you know how you get rid of Sally may? You either pay her off in full or you die. That’s the only way that woman goes away. It’s not bankruptable. It is not an investment in yourself to borrow. Even if it is an investment. We don’t borrow money for investments. We don’t Borrow money for investments. I don’t teach people to borrow money. The borrower is slave to the lender. That’s what this math says when you give up your income. When you give your income away, you have nothing. All the money comes in, all the money goes out. But by god, we’re sitting around counting our discover points. Oh, we got airline miles. Oh, Sally May’s been with us for 15 freaking years in our spare bedroom, all because we called it an investment. I don’t understand why it’s bad. It’s bad because it’s stupid and you’re normal. 70% of the Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. That’s stupid because you’re in living in one of the wealthiest countries the world has ever known. And there you sit like a rat in a wheel. Run, run, run, run, run! Why? Because student loans are an investment and I’m going to Best Buy. This is just stupid. It’s stupid on steroids. Really? Seriously, you’ve got to stop and think that a level of people’s ability to do critical thought is almost zero. Good lord, I’ll get airline miles. Said no millionaire ever. Really? Millionaires do. I met with thousands and thousands of millionaires. I’ve never met one that said, you know, Dave, I made my money with my airline miles. All those discover points broke me through financially. Hey, let’s do the math, okay? You know how you get a thousand dollars back from discover? You spend 100,000. How does spending 100,000 To get 1,000 back. Ever make you rich? Where did you take your math class? Really? This is absolutely ludicrous. But everybody’s counting their dad gum points and everybody’s trying to figure out some way I’m getting them. I’m beating up on chase. Check your chase is kicking your butt. Their buildings bigger than yours and their furniture is nicer than yours. You ought to have a clue by now. At the car. And I got a car payment bigger than your house payment. Some of you. Average car payment American now is $499. That’s suspiciously like 500 bucks. If you take $500 a month and invest it from age 30 to age 70, you’ll have. Would you believe it? You’re gonna have over $5 million. And you scratch your head and wonder why you’re freaking broke. God, you no wonder your kids students. No wonder your students have student loans, cause you’re driving a dad gum. Million dollar car, two million, three million dollar car. That’s what it’s costing you with your stupid car payment. To impress somebody to stop light that you will never meet. And the things going down in value like a rock. We have to stop and think, America. You have to think instead of sitting around eating Skittles and watching Oprah reruns. This is stupid. We’re fat and we’re broke because we have no ability to do critical thought. And we don’t stop and look at what we’re putting into our lives. This is nuts! It’s nuts. It’s completely out of control that I mean the number of people I’ve talked to just today with 25 and 30 thousand dollars owed on their stupid car. It’s a car. Good god, it’s a car. What does it do? It takes you from here to there. Now I don’t mind you having a 25,000 dollar car. All of my cars cost more than 25,000. But I freaking paid for them. And they’re a very small percentage of my life. A very small percentage of my income. Think, think, think. Seriously. So credit cards, stupid. Stupid student loans, stupid car payments, stupid on steroids. Borrowing money on your house to put granite countertops in. Somebody ought to smack you. That’s stupid. It’s stupid. You have to stop and think again. It’s cause you’re killing yourself. You make enough money to retire a millionaire or a multi millionaire. You make enough money that your kid ought to have a college fund fully funded and they can go to school without being part of the freaking student loan crisis. But by god, you had to have a bass boat so your $32,000 in debt cause those fish were out running you. God! Think, think, think. Quit being grown up. Children walking around in grown up bodies. Adults divide. I mean children walking around in grown up bodies. Adults divide a plan and follow it. Children do what feels good. This ridiculous impulsive nature of we think we’re gonna borrow our Way into wealth is. It’s. It’s out of control. Guys, we’ve got to stop this. It’s killing you. It’s killing you! While I’m sitting over here piling up money like it’s dad gum, nothing. And some of you are sitting there broke. Why? And then going, I’m gonna borrow money at Best Buy. Oh jeez, I’m gonna kill you. Seriously, I’m going to go borrow, get a student loan and invest in myself. Yeah, you’re gonna spend $140,000 and go in debt and get a degree in freaking left handed puppetry. That’s just. And come stupid. It’s just stupid. You have to think people. You have to think. Quit giving your most powerful wealth building tool away. It’s your income. You’re making everybody else rich! Think!