Early Start: The Halloween and Fall Retail Revolution

okay I need to know does anyone else feel like Halloween and fall celebrations and festivities kicked off extremely early this year?! 💀 fun fact that’s actually by design by the retailers and it’s really paying off for them you guys might have seen this movement towards summerween and people actually buying Halloween decorations and celebrating Halloween and fall extra early this year retailers like Urban Outfitters even saying that they’ve already generated the same amount of revenue that they made last year for the entire Halloween holiday this is kinda mad 🤯 research even says that people are less likely to wait for sales on Black Friday now and in my mind as a marketer that’s probably because people know that these sales are kind of fake so Black Friday is kind of lost its touch think this point by journalist Allison Smith in modern retail is especially true if you’re a brand and you’re used to working with traditional retail counters those kind of don’t matter anymore people want good deals and they want to buy things on their terms think especially after covid if people wanna get into some holiday spirit or change things up then retailers should give them the opportunity to do so