Indulging in Decadence: A Tale of Gluten-Free Cinnamon Buns and Self-Restraint

I have a real problem. It’s not okay. A friend of mine, on my birthday, sent me posh pop bakery gluten free cinnamon bun. She postmates it to me. Now, I’m showing you this because they are big and juicy. I only eat half of it in one sitting because, I mean, eating the whole thing is just so decadent, you know? You gotta savor. I not only have one box this week, I’ve had 2 4 nights of the cinnamon bun. You see why? You see why I’m in the gym? You see why I’m at aloe? You see why I’m doing these things? Because Postmates. Say it. I’m gonna give you these, and I’m gonna put it in the microwave for 20 seconds. Oh, my gosh, it is so soft and delicious. Look at that.