Blood the Vampire Reviews: TikTok Shop Pet Bed for Star the Dog

What’s up, guys? How are you? This is blood. On behalf of vampire and blood, um, we are showing you what we got from the TikTok shop. And star is the star of the show right now cause it’s a. It’s a pet bed and she absolutely loves this thing. She has not got out of it since it’s got assembled. It’s really, really easy to assemble as to assemble. Um, this thing is awesome, man. It’s really soft for her to lay on. Um, she will not get off this bed. Um, she loves it, man. So I think you guys ought to pick you up one. We’re gonna leave it. Leave the link down here in the bottom of the. In the bottom right hand corner. And you know, if you guys have dogs and stuff, it’s a dog bed. You guys really need to pick it up. So much love, much respect, guys. We truly, truly appreciate you all watching this. We love you all. Have a good one, everybody.