Understanding Vocabulary: Eminent Domain, Imminent, Catastrophic, Statistician, Economic Impact, Devastating

This word means what? And this word means what? And eminent domain means the government’s power to take private property for public use. Have you ever heard that before? Yeah. You have? True story. My aunt live where the city park is at now. And so they want to build a city park. And they told her, we’re gonna buy your house cause we’re gonna build a park here. They gave her a fair market value for her house and the property because they had a reason. The government exercise. Blank to build the new bypass. The eminent. And a D M I N E N T. Domain. D O M A I N. Again, I have trouble pronouncing it. The final hours before the storm search indicated catastrophic conditions were what? Imminent. Which one? I m M I N E N T. And the last one? And blank. Statistician wrote about the devastating economic impact of Hurricane Katrina. Which one? And that means a what? Okay. Do you use any of these words? No. You. You use them. How do you use these words? Okay, I see that. Okay. Does anyone else use these. Any of these words? I love that. Anyone else use any of these words? The word exercise. What could be another word we could say? Yes, used to the fullest extent. Yes, used to the fullest extent. Very good. Number two. The final hours before the storm surge indicated. What’s this word? Catastrophic. And what does Catastrophic mean destruction is major destruction. Right. Catastrophic conditions were in last one. What’s a statistician? Uh, like a person who measures stuff and, like, statistics. Okay. And what was a statistician have to deal with? Have to deal with the what? Like the weather and maybe. Okay, that would. It would not be the weather, but he’s gonna help you out. They would have to deal with what? Statistics. Statistics. And statistics has to. Involves what? Money. Money. She do the symbol for money? Money. Wrote about the devastating economic impact. What does economic impact mean? It means yes. How much damage it did money wise. And the word devastating. Really bad. Really bad. What word on the board could we connect to say devastating? And this word almost meant the same thing. Catastrophic. Catastrophic and devastating both go hand in hand. Do you agree? I’m gonna ask you, but I already know. Did you learn something new? Yes, ma’am. Okay.