Title suggestion: Project Freedom: Crafting a Comprehensive Political Platform for Change

Now, what’s our Project Freedom? So I’m gonna read a few of the things on Project Freedom, and one of the things I’ll say before I even do that is Project Freedom, on some level, was a response to Project 2025. So folks started to hear a lot about this plan to roll back rights to attack particular groups. And part of what we said is that we wanted to respond to that because we’re knowing that we’re in an important political moment. But also, Project Freedom is a political platform or policy that we said we would like to see whoever comes into office adopt, because there are certain things that we know are important that should happen. Some of those things are an end to gun violence, end to mass incarceration, end of police brutality, strengthening and pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, providing a pathway to citizenship, ending the war in Palestine and Sudan, protecting black history, provide a reparations for slavery, offer free college and trade school, cancel student debt, pass the John Lewis Voter Rights Act, launch automatic voter registration, restore individuals voting rights, reform the Supreme Court, expand child tax credits, and provide guaranteed annual income. So it’s a lot of things in there. But part of what we’re trying to convey to folks is that it isn’t enough to just have one policy, but you must really have a political platform that someone can adopt that creates wide and sweeping changes. The other pieces that we know a lot of these issues are connected. And how you spend your money in one place will tell us how you can spend or can’t spend money in other places. So we’re trying to provide a comprehensive platform that one creates political education, but also a standard that we can hold folks who come into all. I love that. I was talking to my guy, Gary chambers, Jr. Yesterday, and he was saying, you know, one of the mistakes that folks make, they’ll. They’ll ask questions like, what have you done over the last three and a half years? Four years? You said, instead of asking those questions, you should be just going to them saying, hey, this is what we. You should be doing. Here’s the agenda that we want you to do. That’s right. Absolutely. Yeah. And Project Freedom is important to us because we know as we travel this country, we’re gonna be out there knocking on doors. We knock on doors all year round. So this is not like we do a thing that happens when it’s a presidential election or some, uh, political person that we wanna get in or. Or take out. Um, we do it. We do it all the time. We. We are always engaging our people. And when we’re knocking on doors, people don’t want. They hear you. They know Project 2025 is bad. They understand it. They’ve seen on the news their grandmamas talking About it. People. What do they call it? It’s called. It’s, you know, black folks gonna shorten some Project 25. We. We don’t say Project 25. 25, right. That Project 20, 20 20. Um, excuse me? Project 25. And so people know that, but they are gonna ask you, and they should. What do we have? You’re in the room with these people. That’s true. Tamika Mallory, uh, Angelo Pinto, my son. Other Linda. Y’all are talking to these people. What are you offering? What are you demanding? What are you asking for