Cooking with Kat Ashmore: Zucchini Tzatziki Recipe Tutorial

Hi, everyone. I’m in my kitchen with Kat Ashmore. Kat is one of my favorite people to follow on Instagram, and Kat has a cookbook that came out in January that I happened to blur. And I just love Kat’s energy. I love her food philosophy. I just love her whole aura, if you will. So, Kat, tell us a little bit about yourself, because I realized I don’t really know your story that well. Yeah, well, thank you so much, Katie. Um, so I have gone to culinary school, and after that, went on to work for Martha Stewart and develop recipes. I’ve always loved to eat, but I think ultimately, I’ve just loved to create. And this was the space that I felt the most creative was in the kitchen. And I love people, and feeding them is the best way to love people. Yeah. I think, actually, food is my love language. Me, too. As cat. Me too. So what are we making? Yes. So we are making zucchini tzatziki. So tzatziki is a traditionally with cucumber, right? It’s a Greek yogurt dip with cucumber, dill and garlic and lemon, and it’s just completely delicious. Well, if you need a cucumber, I need these. Look, these are lifesavers. That’s what these are. Ready? I’ll go. These are lifesavers. I didn’t feel prepared to fight Katie, but I will do it. So we are taking a traditional tzatziki, Greek. Greek yogurt, cucumber dip, and we’re using zucchini instead. Of cucumber. And I came up with this one year when I’m so into zucchini. I thought to myself, we love sassiki. We go through it all the time. How do you say it? Sassiki. Sassiki. Satsuki. Satsuki. Satsuki. And I mean, I might be. I might not be, like, the best person to pronounce it, but Satsuki is Satsuki. Yes. So it’s a TS Z thing. Okay, so as you are grating that, I like to use the fine grater as you’re doing. This is exhausting. I know. While you have that, I’ve got two cups of Greek yogurt. We want a Greek style yogurt that is nice and thick, because we are trying to take as much moisture out of the dip as possible. Okay, so 1%, 4%. Anything but fat free in my opinion. Okay, this is not your first Rodeo. Look at that. Are we gonna drain this? So I like to just take it along the side. Oh, wow. And leverage. Leverage the strainer. Yeah. To get lots of. So all of that you want down the sink, you don’t want it in your dip. It’d probably be good in green juice. It would, actually. You know, you can. I mean, can I give you any more ideas? Cat? It’s as tasty as anything else is in green juice. Right? Like, these are no joke. Yeah, they’re great. Garlic from my garden. Can you believe it? Look at all that garlicky goodness. Yeah. Okay. It’s Almost like juicing the garlic. Yeah. And that’s the pulp. So that’s just gonna distribute and melt right into the dip. And then this is parsley. Parsley flat leaf. Parsley flat leaf. Yep. Versus curly. I mean, it could be either. Yeah. Technically, um, they really taste the same. Yeah. Difference. And this is the dill. Yep. Fresh dill. That is a must. And the juice of one lemon. Don’t forget it. So skillfully earlier. Okay. Do you want me to put this in there now? Please. It’s gonna be very lemony. Great. Okay. And now we’re gonna put this in here. After we do that. This is the zucchini we grated. Yeah. And drained and drained. And how much salt? Pinch of salt for now. Okay. That looks beautiful. But this stuff is amazing. I mean, I. I have this almost always. You do? In the summer. And so what do you serve it with? Everything. A dip. It’s also good with chicken today with, like, pita chips, but crudite. I like it on, like, lamb burgers or something. I know, something like that. Oh, yeah. Grilled chicken kebabs. Um, I think a little more salt. Whoa. That’s garlic. Love garlic. That was a big. I feel like we got a lot of garlic. That was a big garlic. That was a big garlic love. I’m gonna put two pinches. Just that. Oh. Because I feel like. But number two, it should taste a little gritty. You’re eating it By the spoon, which you won’t. Right, right, right. True. So it should taste. I always tell people dip should taste aggressive, just like salad dressing. Okay, that’s good to know. They should taste aggressive, because it’s gonna be with something else. I present you now with the pita chips. Chips. I have for you. Pita chips. She worked very hard. Just a little. I’ll just. On top and, you know, it would look really pretty. Tell my. Put a little piece of parsley on top. Yeah. Or dill. Yeah, or dill. Yeah. You wanna do that? Yeah. Ta da. Ta da. Wait, we need to eat it. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I feel like that would be irresponsible if we didn’t. Very ASMR. Very good. So good. Really fresh and vibrant. Really, really tasty. Well done. Kat can cook. And Kat can cook! Yay! So I can Katie