Model One’s Mini Nail Salon Launch Party: A Glamorous Hollywood Affair

Hey, cuties, come join me at Model One’s influencer party in Hollywood. They were launching their mini nail salon today. And it was such an honour to be invited to their quote on quote, pool party. No one got in the pool. The venue was absolutely gorgeous. Once you walk in, you get to sign your name on their banner and the event was very much free flowing, but they had so many fun things that you you can keep yourself busy with. Once I walked downstairs, one of the photographers pulled me for pictures and they came out so good. They’re actually on my Instagram right now if you wanna see that. I regret not taking my nails off. They had actual nail tech sit down and do people’s nails. But because mine were already done, my friend Clara got hers done instead. I got to connect with so many other respectable creators, including Justine. The other activities they had going on is that they had a photo booth and they also had a table where you could create your own tote bag. Overall, it was an amazing experience. They had raffle prizes at the end. I had so much fun and I’m super grateful to Model 1 for inviting me.