The Origin and Benefits of Wearing Two Golf Gloves: A Personal Journey and Professional Insight

I wanted to ask about the. The two gloves. What is the origin of that? Cause I actually, I use a rain glove. So you use two gloves. They’re both rain gloves. Can you explain kind of how that happened to us again, it would have started when I was, I was very young. Me and my dad used to be on the golf course in the winter, come rain or shine, and my hands used to get pretty cold. So I started to wear two gloves in just keep my hands warm in the winter months. And then the next summer I went back to wearing one glove, but had really bad grip in my hands. I just got used to wearing both gloves during that winter and then um, just stuck with it ever since. And even now when I try and even hit short game shots, I can do it, but the grip in my hands is. Is really bad just through being so accustomed to wearing two gloves. So if you had to wear one glove out there, are you losing your card 100%? Come on, 100%. Will you do it like once in a while to just. I do it sometimes around the greens and I use one glove out of the bunker just to help me release the club better. But again, that’s just a byproduct of how bad the grip is in my right hand that it just helps me release it quite Naturally so. I think if I was to hit full shots with it, my swing technique would change. It’d feel pretty bad if I was to do that. Just logically speaking, you’d have more control over the club because you’re wearing a glove to aid with grip. Why not just do it twice? Do you feel like it’s be an advantage? Almost. Sean Foley mentioned it a couple of years ago in Las Vegas, just talking on the driving range. He was talking about baseball, and everyone wears two gloves in order to be able to put more talk through the grip, he was saying. Yeah. He’s saying he’s surprised that more people don’t do it for that reason. To maybe create more distance and more power. Gonna try it. It was really hot somewhere. I did it once. I was like, this is great. I hit it nice. I was like, I’m gonna try this. And then I got scared of pure, you know, pure pressure. I get made fun of for my rain glove. You’re a really good golfer, so no one’s probably making fun of you. But I’m just. That is the. That is the hurdle for me, is that if I wear two black gloves, people are gonna be like, what’s going on here? It’s okay. I’ve got you back. And also, if I’m playing good golf, then what are they gonna say exactly