Navigating the Future of AI: Embracing Challenges and Adapting for Disruption

Are there any fears or challenges that you guys have or see for the future of AI and how it develops? I think one challenge is we saw Wemo pretty much releasing in San Francisco. And then the more autonomous car there are, the less chance for the Uber driver app. Driver. Right. So there’s a replacement of Workforce, uh, and it’s very real. It’s happening really rapidly around the globe. So how do we face that societal change where AI start replacing lots of the existing job? There will be a gap between, like, the people who are in those job and then where they can find the next, learn the skill, and then apply it to the workforce. So there will be a time gap between that, how do we handle that properly and then make sure they are comfortable, they live their life normally and that, that will be something I foresee a challenge for the everyday evolving AI. Yeah. With Echo House Point. I think it is a very disruptive technology that I think everybody agrees upon that it is disruptive technology that will produce more jobs than it will end. Like any other digital technologies of the past, they all have caused a lot more anxiousness. They all created more jobs, more value, more efficiency for businesses. So I think I see some parallels there, and of course, it’s far more disruptive than the previous technologies. Maybe some parallels with internet itself, but certainly in Terms of creation. It’ll create more jobs and more efficiency than the jobs that will be eliminated. Awesome. So it’s up to human beings to be adaptable, uh, and rethink a lot of things. So bring our creativity and apply AI to reimagine.