Title: Review and Installation of Aliexpress iPhone 12 Mini Motherboard: Unboxing, Installation, and Potential Issues

Aliexpress sells iPhone motherboards and well, I bought one. This cost $100 Canadian and it’s an iPhone 12 mini motherboard. Right off the bat, I’m noticing some weird dents on the board. Not sure what happened there. We all know Aliexpress can be a bit sketch, but let’s see if this one even works. Remove the messed up motherboard and place in the Aliexpress one. I forgot to mention this board is supposed to be without an icloud lock and it’s also supposed to be fully sim unlocked. Let’s see if that’s even true. We’ll boot this on. It looks like something’s wrong and I think I know why. The Aliexpress board looks to have undergone significant board repair. It’s missing this protective pad over here. If you take a look up here, there’s no more conformal coating and there’s a bunch of solder just kind of everywhere. I pulled up this protective layer and it looks like they did a complete Nan swap. No wonder this isn’t working.