Turning Potential Customers into Sales: Strategies for Influencer Marketing and Instagram Promotion

What are y’all consistently doing to turn them into a customer? Yeah, uh huh. You wanna go first, bro? Yeah, I can go first. I mean I use the low hanging fruit so I, I know what I knows what drives the customer’s behavior and it’s typically get an influencers to wear your clothes. You get influencers to wear your clothes. People want what they see their favourite celebrity wearing or their favourite influencer wearing. So a lot of times, I mean it happens a lot of times organically for me, but then I would notice that once the influencer wears it, people are coming and they’re saying, oh, I want what Young Nudity just had cause Young Nudity was in our brand before or I want what 22 G’s just had because he had it in there before. But really it’s as they come to your website and then maybe they even sign up, they are in your email list and everything but they haven’t bought yet. A lot of times it might just be because they don’t have the money at that point in time, but they, I, every single person that I meet, I don’t care where I know you from, how old you are, whatever, I tell them to follow me on Instagram. And the reason why I tell them to follow me on Instagram is because Instagram is your resume, Instagram is your daily promotion. People are following you. A lot of people use Instagram as a diary to be able to vent about their life? No, I use Instagram to market to my customers every single day for free. Like, cause it costs to email people, it costs to text people, but not to post on Instagram. And they follow you on Instagram, then they see everything that you’re posting. Um, hopefully. I mean, you know how Instagram is shadow banning people now, but um, I’m optimizing my pictures so I’m, I’m trying to get models to um, take like the flyest picture ever, um, in my actual clothes, because now people see how it’s supposed to be worn and they. And they know. Because the thing that is really good about me having an in store location on top of online. When you’re online, you’re not really getting real time feedback from customers. But when you’re in person, people are coming up to you and they’re like, man, I really like the shirt, but I wish you had it in green. I really like the shirt, but I wish you had it in purple. Dang, I wish this logo was on you had some. You had a print on the back as well. So you’re also figuring out in real time what is stopping that person from buying at that particular moment. But um, to answer your question, post on Instagram more, um, in different ways of people wearing it and just make it look as fly as possible, whatever it is. Even if it’s a basic shirt, make it look as fly as possible and get, like, influential people. People when. When you do influencer marketing.