5 Tips for Safely Sharing First Day of School Photos: Online Safety Guide for Parents

It’s back to school time, guys, and you know what that means. Your social media feeds are gonna be filled with parents sharing first day of school photos. Now, we all love to do this, and it’s fun to capture these moments, but when you share those photos, you need to be careful to make sure that you’re not revealing too much. I’m Jose Monkey, and I’m an online safety advocate. And if you’ve seen my geolocation videos, then you know that sometimes little details in the photos and videos that you share can be enough to tell someone exactly where the photo was taken. First day of school photos, like any photos or videos that you share, can present a risk to your privacy. So here are five tips to help you stay safe. First, check your privacy settings. One of the biggest mistakes I see parents make is sharing photos of their children without limiting who can see them. I highly recommend adjusting your privacy settings so that you’re only sharing those photos with your close friends and family. Check the settings on the social media platform that you’re using to see how to do that. Number two, consider taking first day of school photos inside. Now, I know we all love to take that ready to get on the school bus? Picture. And let’s face it, the lighting outside is usually much better. But, guys, it’s much easier to figure out where someone is if a photo Is taken outside than if it’s taken inside. If you do choose to take photos outside, just be careful about what other details you show. I have seen lots of first day of school photos taken right on the front steps where the house number is visible. And believe it or not, that can sometimes be enough information to help you find a place. I’ve also seen lots of people post pictures at the bus stop, and that can make for a great photo. But you need to be careful about what else might be in the background. If you inadvertently reveal a street name, that might be sufficient to help someone find exactly where you took that photo. Number three, be careful with those first day of school cutesy chalkboards that everybody likes to use. You know the ones I’m talking about? Where they tell you the kids name, what school they go to, what grade they’re in. Guys, that’s a lot of fun, but that’s a lot of information. Be careful who you share it with. No. 4. Be aware of any information that might be given away by the clothing that your child is wearing. Many of us forget this, but we often wear clothes and hats and other accessories that tell people a lot of information about where we live. Did your kid go to school wearing their brand new class of 2025 shirt today? You know the one? The one that says the name of The school right on the front. I’m just saying. Guys, be careful who you share that with. Also, be careful with any lunch boxes or backpacks or things like that that might have name tags or addresses on them. Finally, No. 5. Guys, review your photos before you post them. Most people don’t notice all the stuff that I just mentioned while they’re taking the photos. So take a moment before you post them and see if you’re revealing more than you intend. And if you do discover something that you think you shouldn’t share, maybe put a sticker over it or crop the photo to remove that information. And if you’ve already posted the photos, check them anyway. You can always take them down or change the privacy settings. Guys, the first day of school is an exciting time for kids and parents. And I know we want to capture these fleeting moments when they happen. But just be careful how you share those moments and who you share them with. Guys, stay safe out there, and feel free to share these tips with any parents who you think might need them.