Unveiling Our Game: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Journey to the Big Announcement

get ready with me to finally announce our game to the public if you’ve been following me or saw some of our viral Tik toks we’ve been making this game for quite a while we’ve had to keep things under wraps but we’re finally ready to talk about our game and trust me no one is more excited about that than us we were able to show a sneak peek of it this past weekend at Anime NYC and we were blown away by how much you guys loved it to keep that momentum going, today we’re going to be working on a couple of interviews for press I can’t name any names just yet but just know that I am so excited about some of these three years ago being able to talk to some of these publications was nothing more than a pipe dream and it’s all thanks to you guys we started off by brainstorming words we wanted to use when talking about our game and this evolved into an entire three page document of going back and forth I spent most of my day editing these responses and giving comments on what we wanted to talk about this took the whole day which honestly was longer than expected but words are important these interviews will come out when we announce our game which is happening very very soon stay updated by following me or @PahdoLabs to be the first to hear about it!