Let’s Wait Before Jumping into Game of the Year Conversations: A Plea for Patience and Appreciation

Public service announcement. Can we, like, wait until after a month before we start using words like game of the year conversations? I beg of you, can we just wait? I really need some of y’all to let this game cook more in the oven. This game needs to be appreciated as a video game among gamers, and I think focusing on game of the year conversations ain’t gonna do a goddamn thing for nobody, bro. This is basically an equivalent of a fat ass football fan sitting on this couch all day. Have the nerve to go to work. Tell me you see that game last night? Yeah, I saw the game. We did that. No, you didn’t do shit. You sat your fat ass on that goddamn couch screaming at the top of your lungs. You didn’t do shit. You didn’t contribute to none. You didn’t go unit show up to practice. Shut the fuck up! Please, I am begging you. I am begging you. Can we, for the love of god, for this year only enjoy this game for what it is for like 4 more months until November gets her, man. Can we just let this game be a good game for what it is? Because I’m tired of y’all. Y’all will be the same people who will hype a game up within release, and then a month later y’all say the game is dead. I will turn your backs against it. I’m sick of it. Bro, I want things to be better. I’m tired of you. I’m tired of the imposter nerves ruining everything. Can we let black myth Wolverine cook, bro? Let it just be good? Let it just let. Can we just discuss it being a good game? Please, for the love of god.