Title: Evolution of Ice 9: From Punk Roots to Heavy Sounds

The band you started, Ice 9. Uh, Scott. Punk band. Yeah, that’s. That was. That was me. Um, that’s the kind of band I wanted to. To be in. Over the years, obviously, it’s. It’s evolved into something much different and definitely heavier, obviously, but never turn my back on the genre. It’s just something that’s always been a part of the DNA. Of what. Of what we do. And it’s, um. It’s so fun to be able to. To still show that influence and. And hopefully introduce our fans and. And people that aren’t really aware or maybe of. Of what sky is to that kind of music. And, you know, we’re not gonna convert everyone, but I’ve definitely heard from some people in our fan base that they didn’t really know what less than Jake or real big fish or Goldfinger was about. And now they don’t really like them. So that makes me happy.