Title: Three Decades of Friendship: From Rock to Hot Mess and Everything in Between

I have friends that I’ve been friends with for over 30 years. So I have been all three. I would say that I am a rock for my friends. I think I’m a rock for my friends. I think it’s kind of shifted over the decades of being friends. That’s the great thing about having, like, my friends is that it’s the unconditional love. I’ve definitely been a hot mess. I don’t let myself be too much of a. I get the call for what’s happening and sort of try to bring everybody back together. But I think that’s a thing. You’re never the same person. We all evolve. We all step in. You can love people through all of their dramas, all of their UPS and downs, their mistakes. With my friends, now, when I’m by myself, that’s a whole other thing.