Review: Discount Divas Sweatshirt – A Wardrobe Essential!

Yes! I found another Discount Divas sweatshirt. This is an essential that you should have in your closet. It’s an everyday. Just pull over. I got it in a large. I was seeing that it’s definitely true to size. I sized up, um, cause it is a little bit on the shorter side and so I wanted a little bit longer. For me. I have a lot of like, bottoms are like super, like, short down here and so really wasn’t wanting my belly to show. It is a little bit baggier here cause I did size up, but overall it is so good. Love their clothes. I want like every piece they have comes in different colors. I you get free shipping as well. Love supporting women own businesses, so they have my support all the way. Take my money cause this is good stuff. I will link it here. I have literally everything that they have in my showcase, so if you see something, grab it up because it is good stuff, guys.