The Thing Revealed: A First Look at the New Fantastic Four Movie Suit and Face Sculpt

Marvel fans, we just got revealed our very first look to the thing in the new Fantastic Four movie. Let’s dive into this. So they’re currently filming right now the new Fantastic Four movie, and someone managed to get a set video of what the thing is gonna look like. And it looks like he’ll be a mix of CGI and practical effects. Now, although I do say a mix of practical effects. They could just be using him for lighting references a lot like they do with the Sonic movies when they have the puppets on set. Still, though, this actual suit gives us a look to what the thing is gonna look like. And his face sculpt is looking sweet. Very reminiscent to the OG thing from the comics, and I like that that’s the route they’re going with. Also, the suit. While I like my thing to be shirtless, I’m also kind of digging the Fantastic Four suits. They have kind of a retro 60 vibe going on. I think we’ve had enough interpretations of the thing being shirtless or completely naked. Now let’s cover up that boy head to toe. But overall, I’m really loving the look of this. I cannot wait to see this Fantastic Four movie. I think Marvel is really cooking here. Hopefully they don’t mess it up. How are you guys feeling on this first look to the thing?