Title: Prioritizing Connection and Communication with Your Children: Creating a Safe and Loving Environment for Growth

I think a huge thing for me is just connection. I want every one of my boys to be able to, in any circumstance, come to me, be able to talk through things. Be able to lay out whatever they need to in any circumstances. And know that they’re gonna have an ear and they’re gonna be connected. If it is a situation where, you know, there needs to be some teaching and learning and correcting, let’s do it through connection. Instead of having discipline be this thing where there’s disconnection and then forced connection after. You are a human that is needing to be molded and shaped. And you are growing and learning. Because we’re not gonna be perfect, and there’s gonna be things that we miss. And there’s gonna be times where we do things poorly. But if the connection can outweigh the things that we do poorly. I just feel like there’s always gonna be an open door. And there’s always gonna be that ability for them to feel safe and loved.