Maximizing Points and Scoring Gold: Madden 25 Mini Game Strategies

This is part two of how to get gold in every mini game in Madden 25. After that we have the past skeleton, and the rules here are super simple score as many points as you can before the timer runs out. Now a pro tip here is that every completed pass increases your score multiplier, so you want to prioritize getting the ball out as quickly as possible to get that multiplier up. A single incompletion resets your multiplier though, so stay composed and deliver the ball to your receivers to the best of your ability and you’ll be maximizing your points to get that gold medal. Up next is scramble survive, and this time you have to get outside the pocket and try to find an open receiver. You get bonus points if you scramble through one of the hot spots, but the big thing here is scoring consecutive touchdowns to get that score multiplier up. My suggestion is that if you have players on slant or drags, roll out in that direction so you can hit them on the run after running through the hot spot. Also remember that you can point your right stick in the direction you want your closest receiver to run, and you can use that to send them into open space and rack up easy touchdowns. Stay calm, find your open receivers, and you’ll get that gold without any problems. The next mini game is Pitch Party, and this one can get Kind of wild. You can pitch the ball by pressing LB on Xbox or LB1 on PlayStation, and this game can produce some truly wacky plays. Now my personal recommendation is that if you want to get gold, just pitch the ball one time and then focus on your skill moves to make the remaining defenders miss. Just like in the other games. Getting consecutive touchdowns is how you’ll get your score multiplier as high as possible, which is what will get you into gold medal range.