Unveiling Strawberry: The Next Evolution in Artificial Intelligence and its Implications

Strawberry Fields forever I say that because this whole project with opening eye and strawberry is just turning into an endless field of rumours there’s another big rumor out in the information this one is much better sourced it seems than previous rumors about strawberry which were mostly from a anonymous Twitter account that claimed to be from open AI this one feels much more put together it feels more like a traditional leak out of an organization we will see if any of it is true because strawberry hasn’t been released yet so it’s also position here’s what we hear from the information and I’ll throw this link in the YouTube number one it’s about multi step reasoning capabilities so strawberry is about this sort of project to build a new level of artificial intelligence that’s truly beyond the 4 O class model uh and so it wants to solve multi separating in one go number two you want to be able to solve novel problems in one go and they’ve worked hard at that number three they want to make sure that they can do so across a range of tasks not just language next token prediction task so they’ve been working on mathematics and then the last piece and this is somewhat vague but the rumor is that this is a preparatory step or a step to gather data around the problems that’s involved in their next big model after strawberry which apparently is codenamed Orion we have no idea what’s in Orion either this is like a string of code names so there’s a drawback there’s always a drawback there’s no such thing as a free lunch here’s the cost it’s slower this is getting at my fundamental thesis with artificial intelligence is that it can get much smarter potentially but that doesn’t mean it will take all our jobs because intelligence allocation doesn’t come for free and I think what’s interesting is if it’s much slower and they’re trying to figure out apparently how to jam some version of it into chat so it feels as fast as we had before what how many multi step reasoning problems are you solving on a daily basis at work that would require you to say set it up overnight and let strawberry run on it and then come back I don’t know how many it’s an interesting question would you want a second opinion from strawberry on a strategic business decision would you know how to feed the context in so you set it up correctly for that I don’t know and that’s that’s kind of what I’m wondering is they’ve rumoured that they’ve already demoed this to the national security establishment in the US it almost feels like IBM mainframes back in the 60s where they’re demoing this really big like fills a room intelligence and it’s for important national security things and problems and ordinary people aren’t using it because there’s not really applicability for intelligence that is that slow and this is getting back like to my fundamental thesis that intelligence allocation is what’s going to matter in the new economy right like is it a human task is it a Chad GPT task and maybe now is it a strawberry task well am I willing to let it run overnight I don’t know you tell me um what you think of strawberry what you think of the rumor mail maybe you’ve heard something different than I have we’re all feeding off of the scraps here and the best we can do is understand what might be coming because it does help us as we’re building okay that’s what I know I’m putting the link to the source in the YouTube there’s a couple of other releases apple had an iPhone update that they talked about for the hardware launch Gemini release some things I talked about that on the YouTube let me know what you think what do you think of strawberry what did I miss I’m curious Strawberry Fields Forever