Trampoline Tales: A Singer’s Unconventional Vocal Warm-Up Routine

I think we need the trampoline now. I’m taking him into my, um. My dressing room space. Okay. This is where I prepare. And one of the ways that I keep my larynx relax and get it into the right space is to jump on this trampoline. You guys are gonna get a good laugh. So I travel with this. The legs fold in. I travel with this mini trampoline. I basically, uh, jump as I’m doing certain warm UPS. I normally start with just, like, a. A low ah! And when I’m jumping, it just go, ah! It naturally lowers the larynx. It brings the larynx down. And then I start doing the. Ha, ha, ha ha! Very odd, probably, but this is my, like, laryngeal yoga before I go on stage.