Cursed Lunch Box: Day 240 of Creative Photography Challenges

Day 240 of trying to take a hard photo every single day all year. So my camera for today. Damn, bro, was my D S I X L. I said it last time and I’ll say it again. When it comes to the D S, it’s just a very low resolution camera. If I just take a regular photo, it just looks like a really compressed photo. There’s nothing about the photo itself that says it was taken on a DS. So I’m gonna do kind of what I did last time, where I use props and framing to kind of tell the story that this photo was taken only because the person who took the photo has a machine capable of taking photos. So what can I do to kind of lean into that childish nature of a DS camera? Well, what if someone wanted to take a picture of their lunch box? Now, I have this old Lord of the rings lunch box that I just used to store my little Hobbit action figure. Guys, if I put a few things in there, it starts to look more like an actual lunch box that a kid would take to school. But I need a little bit of confusion or a little bit of contrast. So what else can I put in there to just push that image over the edge? A grenade? I just bought these props on Amazon for a different photo idea, but, you know, they’re Kind of cool. They have a little ticking sound that leads to an explosion sound, and I spent way too long modifying one of them so that the safety lever would actually fly off when the pin is pulled. Anyway, I snapped the photo with the DS and I don’t want to edit it at all. It looks great. It looks cursed, which is exactly what I’m going for. So with that, this is my hard photo of the day. Let me know what you guys think down in the comments below and I will see you all tomorrow!