Title: Public Service Announcement: The Risks of Using Mobile Phones While Driving in the UK

Hello guys, just a quick video today. Now you gotta be careful. These AI cameras are going live all over the UK. They recently trialled it down south on like some a road and about 809 on the drivers got nicked in one week. And it was all for not having a seatbelt and holding the mobile phone or being on the mobile phone while driving. Now as we all know, the super strict on the mobile phones now it’s gotta be in a holder on your dashboard and in the cradle. You cannot hold the phone. Even if it’s off, there’s still so many people I see driving down the road and they got it in the hand like that on hands free. Don’t try. Alright, alright Bob, how are we. You can’t do that. No, you know what I mean. You can’t even hold the phone. So your phone is in your hand and it’s off, you’re still gonna get nicked. So uh, these cameras look directly uh, from above into your windscreen and they can see you holding the phone below the steering wheel and down the side of the. Down the side of your leg. I see it all when I’m in the mini bus. I see people in, in cars all the time doing it. You just can’t get away with it no more. So I want to do this video just give you a little heads up cause give it a share to any Drivers that you do know. When anyone that you know that’s still on the phone while driving, it’s not worth to disguise. Six points and a big fine. Think it’s up to a thousand pound fine now or even more. And those 6 points are gonna cost you the fortune of insurance and everything else. So be safe guys. And yeah, gives this a little share with anyone you know. Gives a like. And follow me as well. For just because I asked you to. Go on guys. Catch us all later.