Navigating the Online World: From Twitter Misery to TikTok Adventures

Ever since Elon Musk bought Twitter, my tweets have been getting pushed to the absolute worst types of people alive. Like, people that the algorithm knows are gonna hate me. I see almost none of my mutual’s tweets anymore, and tweets don’t go as viral as they used to. My tweets? Like, sometimes I get 600,000 likes on a viral tweet. Like, that doesn’t happen anymore. That does not happen. And that was back when I only had like 30,000 followers. Like, there’s just so much misery, so much negativity. Like, most of my posts are positive. What do people pay attention to? Any little tiny bit of negativity. People ignore literally almost just about every positive post that I make and focus only on the negative. I just feel like I encounter so much unnecessary negativity on Twitter. I’m constantly seeing it being pushed. I’m constantly, like, dealing with it directed towards me or directed towards people that I know or like or follow. It’s just not fun anymore. Which is really unfortunate because I used to love sharing, like, little bits and pieces of my life with people on Twitter. Or, like, talking about things. Like, I just like to talk. I’m somebody who loves to talk. Honestly, I. I really don’t like to talk. I like to type because it gives me a chance to edit my thoughts, like, before I get them out, and even then, I still don’t get them out right. A lot of the Times, but, um, I just. I miss, like, having that back and forth with my audience of people who actually like me and not my tweets being pushed to, like, people who don’t even follow me and the algorithm knows don’t like me. Being on Twitter feel like being in hell. It’s just not. It’s not. It. I’ve been wanting to come to TikTok. I just, like. I don’t know what to do on here. Like, I really don’t. I just have been posting. This is just my personal fun page, so I’ve just been posting whatever on here for years. Um, all of my pages are really kind of my personal fun page. I started, like, kind of going down the influencer path for a while, realized it was really not for me, and I didn’t like it. I don’t, like, just mindlessly pushing products to people. I really only like to share the things that I actually like, things that I actually wear, things that I actually do and use. And, like, I just feel like using your natural influence is just easier if you get a brand partnership out of it. Cool, like, but I don’t like to compete with people. I’m not competitive at all. I don’t like to find myself in that kind of influencer space where I’m worried about, oh, what event am I being invited to? Like, who’s gonna be there? What am I doing? Like, what am I wearing? Like, that’s, like, Unnecessary stress for me. I don’t. I don’t enjoy that. I’ve realized that I. You know, I kind of, like, built this following, kind of became the influencer. Now that I have my own brand, I’m kind of a brand now. So I’m kind of having to navigate that pivot on social media of, you know, what’s my next step? Like, who do I want to be? Who do I wanna exist as? I just don’t like it. I feel like everybody on every app is trying to sell you something. My clothes. I’m just kind of like, if you like it, you like it, whatever. If you know about it, you know about it. I’ve never promoted anything. Like, I’ve never, like. I’ve never made, like, a. I’ve never promoted, like, my brand posts or anything like that. Um. And I mean my brand, not for other brands. I’ve obviously worked for other brands. I’ve realized that I’m actually a very private person. I do not like people in my business. I don’t like people thinking they know me. Like, thinking they know anything about me. Like, absolutely not. My entire internet persona has been carefully curated and carefully crafted to kind of confuse people. So I’m very much like a walking paradox. Like, there’s, if you don’t know me, like, you’re not gonna be able to figure me out, so don’t try. Um, and I have seen people try and do, like, deep dives on me, like, thinking, They actually know something about me or, like, my life, um, which can be kind of a slippery slope, because confidently saying things about people that you don’t actually know is, like, you can get in trouble for that if you’re saying the wrong things or, like, acting like you know something you don’t actually know. Or, you know, critiquing a situation that you actually don’t have all the details of and pushing your thoughts and feelings as if they’re fact. You can get in a lot of trouble for that. And I also, like, I don’t play around when it comes to stuff like that. I don’t know, I kind of realized that, like, I’m not somebody who likes a lot of attention. I get, like, too much attention in real life. Like, I. And I’m not saying that, like, oh, I’m better than everybody. Like, people always like to think that I’m coming from this place of, um, oh, I’m better than you, like, hmm. Cause I have, of course, have made, like, so many, I. I make jokes like that sometimes, but people really can’t tell when I’m being sarcastic and when I’m not because my voice doesn’t really change. Um, so I’ve been kind of hesitant about, you know, like, making videos and stuff like that. I don’t like to be seen talking a whole lot. But I’ve recently started YouTube. Um, I don’t know, I feel like I’ve grown up, I’ve changed a lot. Like, I’m ready to start talking, so I’m very, uh, interested to see how this next chapter is gonna unfold. I have a lot that I would like to share, um, that I’ve never actually shared before. So, yeah, I’m really excited just to see how the whole internet thing plays out. But just know I’m here for fun. Um, I’m not here because I need to be. I’m not here, I’m here cause I want to be. I think being online is a really, really interesting way to get in the field and, like, learn. You can learn so much about other people, you can learn so much about yourself just by kind of existing in different online spaces and doing different things like that. I did a seven year project where, you know, I was just kind of online. Anything that came to mind, I said it. Any emotion I felt, I made sure everybody knew what I was feeling. Like, I existed as my absolute worst, lowest self. Like, I’ve existed as my best self. And it’s really interesting when I was, you know, not existing as my best self, like, everything I did got so much attention. Like, all, any, like, type of negativity just got so much more attention than anything positive I’ve ever said or done. Nobody cares about any good thing that you do. Like, it’s all, oh, what’s the drama? Like, what’s the tea? Like, what’s she doing now? Like, what’s she saying? What’s. I just. I think it’s really interesting that people, um, like to consume negativity so much, cause I really just. I don’t enjoy it. I don’t really consume a lot of content, actually. I really just put it out. So a lot of the times, like, I won’t know what’s really going on on social media. Like, I don’t know the discourse, I’m out of the loop cause I just kind of post, interact with my couple friends and go. So I don’t know. So now I’m on TikTok, I guess, taking it a little bit more seriously. I have a YouTube now, um, and I’ll probably be posting more there than Twitter just cause it’s so negative and posting on here, but, like, I don’t know what to post, so I don’t know what people are interested in on TikTok, honestly.