Easy and Delicious Chicken Pot Pie Recipe with Marie Callenders Pastry Pie Shells

Hey, y’all. As a busy mom of three who we currently homeschool, I know the struggle of preparing dinner or lunch every single day. That’s why Marie Callenders makes it so easy for us. They have such a variety. But today, we’re making some chicken pot pie using their pastry pie shells on the stove. I already have some chicken, some frozen peas, celery, and carrots that are boiling. I’m gonna let those boil for about 30 minutes. Then I’m going to melt some butter, add some yellow onions, sweat those down, add a little bit of flour, and then we’re gonna add some chicken broth, milk, salt, pepper, Rosemary, and thyme. To assemble our pot pie. We add our veggies with our chicken, add our delicious. A yummy sauce on top. Then we’re going to add a pie crust. We’re going to pinch the top and the bottom together. The easiest way is with a fork. Remove the excess, create a slit for the steam, bake it for 30 minutes, and this is the final product. Homemade and delicious.