Leadership Language: Unlocking Success with AI and ChatGPT

you’ve heard me say it time and time again using AI and ChatGPT effectively is not about having technical expertise it’s about understanding leadership it’s a leadership language thing look at open AI success principles for using AI number one clarity and specificity number two it a refinement No.3 contextual awareness No. 4 experimentation No. 5 ethical considerations No. 6 human AI collaboration I don’t see anything about technical expertise in those success principles in fact those are principles that could clearly define good leadership I mean clarity and specificity of course as a leader it’s always providing clear and contextual and contextual information being specific making sure that you people understand what you’re trying to accomplish and why number two in a refinement effective leadership is always about a back and forth it’s not you know just one input one output it’s a lot of back and forth assessing you know pulling the trigger seeing what happens and communicating going back and forth same thing with AI it’s this collaborative Itera building upon approach contextual awareness absolutely everything’s about context as leaders great leaders are always painting the big picture given the context of what we’re trying to accomplish and why same thing with prompting experimentation of course effective leadership is all about well let’s see what works let’s make our best decision let’s get 75% of the information pull the trigger and see what happens as experiment let’s try new things AI is all about that in fact you can go a month and try something that didn’t work a month ago and because of the refinements and the learning of AI it now works because that’s the way AI operates ethical considerations of course effective leadership demands that we’re always aware of the impact of our decisions it’s the same thing with using AI being aware of how we’re using it and why we’re using it and for what purposes are you using it for good or are you using it for evil and then of course human AI collaboration isn’t leadership always about collaborations it’s not about being a dictator it’s about empowering teams it’s about listening to their input it’s this back and forth of collaboration I’m telling you if you wanna get good at using AI in ChatGPT become a better leader if you or an organization that wants to effectively use AI get your culture right if your culture isn’t right you’re not gonna be able to implement AI very well as well so leadership language thing let me know what you think