Morning Rituals, Studio Sessions, and New Tunes: A Sneak Peek into My Musical Journey

Have you ever tried apple cider vinegar, honey and hot water in the mornings? It smells really bad, but it’s really good for you and it’s good for your vocal cords. That’s what I had this morning at 5:00am when I was tripping over my feet getting ready. Running late to the studio in Los Angeles, California, where I recorded some songs with Yippie Kaye. We’re gonna be putting out these songs pretty soon. They’re really cool. But maybe I’ll give you a little sneak peek. We had a great time in the studio recording some vocals. John Lay down some cool guitars. We wrote down some cool words. I can’t wait to show you guys the new tunes. We’ll be dropping them soon, so stick around. Here’s a sneak peek.